Education is integral to the mission of the Church here on earth—the mission to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of all nations. For this reason, first and foremost, every Catholic school in the Diocese of Providence is a place to encounter the living God who reveals his transforming love and truth in Jesus Christ.
(See Spe Salvi, Pope Benedict XVI's 2007 Encyclical, "Saved in Hope" )
$2,732,391 total assistance grants were awarded to 1,980 Catholic school students in the Diocese of Providence for Academic Year 2023-2024!
The Diocese of Providence believes that children from all walks of life should have access to a Catholic education. To affect this, the Diocese sponsors a tuition assistance program for children of modest means in grades K-12. All Diocesan aid is given on the basis of demonstrated need. Need is assessed by a third party provider, FACTS Management.
To apply for tuition assistance, families should complete a tuition assistance application and submit it to the needs-assessment provider, FACTS Management. Applications may be obtained at the FACTS Management website, One application is sufficient for all siblings attending Catholic schools, K-12. Awards are not renewable, so families must re-apply each and every year.